Lay your Tongues twelve Days in common Salt and Salt-Petre, then boil them very tender, and blanch them; cut off the Roots, and lay them into a Pot; pour over them a Pickle made of good white Wine Vinegar, which boil up with Pepper, Cloves, Mace, and a little Ginger. When it is ready to take off the Fire, throw in a Piece of Lemon Peel, and three or four Bay-leaves; put it to the Tongues when cold, and tie them up close from the Air. A little of the Pickle with good Oil is their Sauce.
Eingelegte Rinderzunge
Fleisch & Geflügel:Hauptzutaten: Ingwer, Lorbeerblätter, Muskatblüte, Nelken, Öl, Pfeffer, Rinderzunge, Salpeter, Salz, Weißweinessig, Zitronenschalen (Zesten)
Marlene Ernst
Marlene Ernst (Transkription): "To Pickle Neats Tongues", in: Mrs. Eales Compleat Confectioner (1718-1742), Teil 2, S. 026,
online unter: https://www.historische-esskultur.at/rezeptforschung/?rdb_rezepte=to-pickle-neats-tongues (26.01.2025).
Datenbankeintrag erstellt von Marlene Ernst.