To a Pint of Milk put near three Quarters of a Pound of Flour, six Ounces of Beef Suet shred very fine, and sifted through a Cullander, six Ounces of Currants pick’d, wash’d and plump’d, a Little Salt, a Little Nutmeg, and sugar it if you please, but they are lightest without it; three or four Eggs beat and strain’d; mix all well together; fry them in a large Quantity of Lard, and make them little bigger than Fritters.
Frittierter Pfannenpudding
Süßspeisen:Hauptzutaten: Eier, Korinthen, Mehl, Milch, Muskatnuss, Rindertalg, Salz, Schmalz, Zucker
Marlene Ernst
Marlene Ernst (Transkription): "To Fry Pan-Puddings", in: Mrs. Eales Compleat Confectioner (1718-1742), Teil 2, S. 052,
online unter: https://www.historische-esskultur.at/rezeptforschung/?rdb_rezepte=to-fry-pan-puddings (13.02.2025).
Datenbankeintrag erstellt von Marlene Ernst.